Saturday, August 2, 2008


Rain, rain go away! It's raining again today, last night, yesterday, Thursday...

Wednesday I moved everything out of the garage bed that didn't belong there, with the exception of the Korean lilac. I'm not sure where it's headed, yet. The japanese irises got divided in half and moved to the front bed. The burning bushes got potted. I planted the two little coreopsis I picked up a month or so ago, too. Supposedly they're dwarf, but I ringed them anyway.

Tomatoes are coming on, as are the pole beans. Bush beans don't look healthy - too much water I think. Tori's been eating raspberries just about every day. When they finish, I'm going to cut them way back in prep for moving to the orchard. The strawberries need to go too.

The brush clearing is stalled - the back is sooooooo muddy. We've pulled out hundreds of stumps, and there's hundreds more.

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