Thursday, September 20, 2007

September 20, 2007

The weather is getting cooler - more like autumn. Few leaves changing yet.

I've started filling the planting bed in front of the garage. I'll use it for a nursery for now - 2 Burning Bushes and the "pink" Japanese Iris. (It's purple, oops) I've got tulips and hyacinths from Costco, plus ordered some crocus and Glory of the Snow from the band fundraiser.

I've topseeded the backfilled area on the other side of the walk, added some accelerator to speed up germination. So far, it doesn't seem to be doing much.

Laura Krahn is bringing home a DR Chipper/Shredder this weekend - one of the perks of working there - and we're going to tackle some of the piles of brush. Scott's only interested in taking down new stuff, I really want to get through a bunch of the old.

Looks as though the purchase of Matt's property is going to go ahead. Planning Commission has passed it on to Development Review, and a public meeting is scheduled for October 1. We'll close whenever it is Matt can close on the rest of the property, it'll make everything easier for him, and there's no reason we can't wait.

Friday, September 7, 2007

September 7, 2007

The patio, save a few fill in stones, is done. Tomorrow it will rain, but today was hot and miserable. 95º, humid. At least there was a breeze.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

September 2, 2007

The infernal trenching, at least across the patio, is complete. We started backfilling and gravelling yesterday. 2 pallets and a circle kit of Paventia Ancient Rome pavers and 2 yards of fines are being delivered this week.

Today is clear and (so far) crisp. 43º right now, heading for high 70s. Lovely.

Tomatoes are slowing down. Beans need picking, some of the pods are too old and drying on the plants. Corn was a disappointment, but I didn't expect much. The patio hasn't interfered with the pumpkins, they are starting to turn orange. at least 5 of them. Yeah!

One of the burning bushes dried out and appears dead. I'll cut it back, plant it somewhere out of the way, and see if it returns in the spring. No expectations, but it doesn't hurt to try.