Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 22, 2008

Nice day, mid 70s, rain and thunder this evening. Hail was threatened, but we didn't get it.

We've started clearing the brush at the end of the driveway. Slow going, but going it is. Looks great! Something has been eating my garden - the beans (runner and bush) and the broccoli. I'm going to pick up some Irish Spring, try that first.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 17, 2008

Cool today, 65º and rainign on and off. Thunderstorms rumble up, drop some rain, blow out. This weather is supposed to continue for the rest of the week.

Got the screen on the berry frame. Hopefully it will keep the birds off the berries. Last year we trapped a red squirrel too. Paid Simon $10 to cut the body loose.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

June 14, 2008

Warm and humid again today. Now (10 pm) we're having thunderstorms and downpours. I can hear the gutters on the back of the house overflowing.

I discovered today that Miss Canada (lilac) bloomed and I missed it. Single bunch, but still... :o( White irises continue to bloom, seven sisters is a riot of scent and colour. Gorgeous!

I think I have to rebuild the bean house. Tori was far too elaborate and it won't stand. Beans are all up so my chance to get it right is limited.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

June 12, 2008

Sunny, warm, ,pleasantly not humid. We had some serious thunderstorms the past few days that cleared out the 95º humidity.

Planted 4 Potentilla "Pink Beauty" (bought at 1st Season) and 36 wax begonias (Lowes clearance) in the garage bed. I'll sprinkle some poppy seeds and consider that bed finished.

Picked up another 16 belgian blocks ($2.97 at Lowes, plus $10 coupon discount) so I can continue on the front bed. I think I can use cinder blocks for the lower terraces (the below ground part anyway) to save some money.

Everything's up in the vegetable garden, but it needs to be weeded. The soils soft though, so I can use the hoe. :o)

Friday, June 6, 2008

June 6, 2008

Pulled 2 buckets of weeds yesterday from the garage bed. I think I'm going to get 4 potentillas and call it done.

All the beans are up, corn too. Need to stake the trees, both apples are listing starboard. Today it is raining. Forecast high is 77, but I don't believe we'll make it. Tomorrow, and the rest of next week - hot and humid with scattered thunderstorms. The plants will be happy, at least.