Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 29, 2008

Started indoor crop of Mesclun - 35 days to harvest. I'll likely start another in two weeks, and then plant a crop outside under the glass early March. Can't wait!

Still no appreciable snow. It's been cold, down into high teens overnight, and colder some nights, but the snowcover has remained minimal since Christmas.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January 8, 2008

We had snow before Christmas (Dec 16 - 14" on top of the 8 we had), we had MORE snow at New Years (+6"). It's almost gone. It was 50º yesterday and should hit higher than that today. With rain. There will undoubtedly be more snow before it's really spring, but it sure feels nice out there right now. Last week it was -4º.

Still no action on Matt's property. I can't imagine what his hold up is, but that man is the slowest thing I've ever seen. He keeps complaining about how broke he's going, but there's an opportunity here, RIGHT HERE for him to make a little money, he's already accepted the offer, and he's still dragging his feet.