Monday, April 30, 2007

April 30, 2007

Mid 50s, overcast. It threatened rain all day, but we got maybe 10 drops. No rain in the forecast for the rest of the week. Figures.

I overseeded the raked out topsoil today. Saturday, following the critter that we scared out from the trees, I noticed that the trout lilies are up. No flowers yet, but I love to see them. I wish we had trilliums, maybe I'll try to find some, though I understand they are notoriously difficult to transplant.

The rhubarb is up, about 3 inches. Should be ready to pick just in time to miss the strawberries. ;o) The new hostas are all coming up fabulously, and some signs of life from the astilbe as well. I see shoots from the old plants in the front bed, but nothing yet from the old hostas.

The dandelions have taken over the foundation border. Simon would like to have pumpkins again this year. Maybe some melons too. Last year's watermelons were a resounding failure. They grew, but they were awful. Maybe cucumbers instead. How can you mess up cucumbers?

Saturday, April 28, 2007

April 28, 2007

Overcast, threatening rain. Forecast high of mid 50s. There are signs of life from everything in the corner bed - Jacob's ladder, Lady's Mantle - it's all there. That mystery shrub is very likely the Spirea. It isn't where it used to be, and the shoots are coming up looking familiar.

Buds in the Seven Sisters rose, new shoots from the base of the Clematis. No sign yet of Lily of the Vally. I'm cursed.

5:30 pm - it's drizzling. Raked out the dirt pile, needs to be overseeded. Filled the depression up by the road (though it will need more), and the tire indents along the driveway and lane.

First sowing: Buttercrunch (head) lettuce, Salad Bowl (leaf) lettuce, Bloomsdale spinach, Danvers 126 carrots.

Weeded the strawberries.

Friday, April 27, 2007

April 27, 2007

Overcast, high 50s. If it rained last night, it wasn't much. It didn't rain much today either, so I'll have to water those hostas and astilbes.

Tomorrow I must check to see if there's any sign of the Lily of the Valley. While it's disparaged as invasive and weedy in most gardens, I have successfully killed it every time I have planted it.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

April 26, 2007

Cloudy, 65º This is spring. Went to Agway, picked up new gloves, spinach, 3 lettuces and some Danvers carrots. details when I plant them.

We played with the chicks and ducklings for 1/2 hour - I really wish we could get some poultry but the feed attracts rats and the birds attact predators. Better to just, sigh, buy my eggs and pick bugs by hand.

I got the Astilbe and hostas into the nursery bed before tonight's forecast rain. Give 'em a kick start. (reference: Rhythm & Blues astilbes are on the right side of the bad.)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

April 25, 2007

The weather's turned cooler again. yesterday was only 55, today barely hit 60, but I am SO not complaining.

Everyone's daffs are blooming but mine, but MINE will be blooming for mother's day when everyone else's are done.

Strawberries are getting going, new crowns under the mulch. I need to pull out some dandilions before they get too well rooted.

Tomorrow or Friday I plan to go to Agway to get this show on the road for real. Can't wait.

Monday, April 23, 2007

April 23, 2007

83º today, breezy. weather moving n over night.

I did not get the cold frame planted as I'd hoped, nor the new plants into the nursery bed. Yesterday I felt like I'd been hit by a truck (day 3 post surgery is notorious, it seems.)

Little will get done tomorrow though I should try to at least get the new plants in to strat growing. There's cooler temps the rest of the week, occasional rain forecast - perfect baby plant weather.

Didn't make it to Agway, so I have no seeds, no topsoil. The greens will have to wait.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

April 21, 2007

Another winner! 75º slight breeze, sunshine. Glorious!

Went for a walk in the woods, the creeks are still just creeks, no sign of the beavers except the abandoned lodges. Lots of property markers - yellow denotes 30 Main (and so, our shared property line. Handy)

Plenty of action in the front bed. Everything's coming up stonecrop and daylilies! I'll need to pull lots of the sedum out, but for now it can stay. Good groundcover, but I don't want to regret it.
This plant is a mystery. Did I move the spirea last fall like I intended? I truly don't remember. I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Friday, April 20, 2007

April 20, 2007

Blue sky, gentle breeze. It feels like this time's for real. 74º Hard to believe we had 4 inches of snow on Sunday!

Columbine (all three songbird varieties) are showing new growth
no sign of the hostas
Daylilies are coming up fast.

Bought new Hostas (12 - 3 each of Sum and Substance, Francis Williams, Patriot, and Wide Brim) and Astilbe (10 - 5 each of Rock and Roll, and Rhythm and Blues) today at Costco. I can't imagine there is room for another thing now in the tree bed parallel to the driveway. It's mostly shade, so the Astilbe and Hostas do well.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

April 19, 2007

53º blue sky, 0 precip.
The last of the snow is GONE!

Daffodil, iris, tulip, grape hyacinth, peony all sprouting
Stone crop taking over everything
Buds in the vulgaris lilac, few on Miss Canada. Shrub roses have lots of rabbit damage, but all have sprouts. Highbush cranberry and flowering almond have loads of buds.

glass is on the coldframe, will start lettuce, spinach this weekend.

Saturday is open house at Agway. need potting soil, moodoo, seeds.