Sunday, July 27, 2008

July 27, 2008

It's not raining! We've had 9" of rain in the past week. Thunderstorms predicted for this afternoon, in fact every afternoon this week.

The front corner bed is cleaned. I pulled a lot of the coreopsis and put rings around the clumps I left. I think I'll leave the rings over the winter even, then pull any that grow other spots.

Moved 5 azaleas (2 salmon, 3 double crimson) to the back of the bed, they have settled nicely. I'm going to pot up the little spruces to give them a head start then next spring start working on a hedgerow/fence between our field and the Jerrys'.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

July 23, 2008

Today it rained, yesterday it rained, Sunday it rained. Everything is lush and green and swarming with mosquitoes.

Friday, July 18, 2008

July 18, 2008

Oh, it's been humid. And hot! Thunderstorms threatened just about every day, today we had a doozy. No damage here, but lots of branches down on Main Street I heard someone at the store say he had a 60' willow hit by lightening.

Corn is about 7' tall, starting to tassel. Masses of green tomatoes. Bell peppers are about pingpong ball size, many, MANY jalapeƱos. Onions are good. Had a meal of green beans yesterday. They're about 6" long, ready to pick. The bean tent blew over in the storm, I'll have to fix that tomorrow.

Thinned the carrots and covered the bed with the strawberry screen to keep birds and bunnies off the lettuce. So far so good.

Raspberries are about a week or two off, and very plentiful. Can't wait. I'm going to move them over to the orchard next spring - will prepare a bed this fall. Strawberries will move too, fall or spring? I'll find out.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

July 1, 2007

Garden is going gangbusters. The brush clearing continues. Uncovered a bumblebee nest at the end of the driveway - it's temporarily covered with a gallon milk container so the bees are protected from us, and we from them.

Sprayed for ants again today. I think I did it last May 1, might have been June. I'll do again August 1 and Sept 1. I think we've stirred up a nest or two dragging crap out of the brush. Tough.