Saturday, July 28, 2007

July 28, 2007

Thunderstorms in the forecast. Thursday and Friday were beastly humid and hot - 95º. Today is cooler, with a slight breeze. It rained a tiny bit earlier - not enough to prevent Scott from getting the grass cut.

There are Jalapenos on the plants! And raspberries are starting to ripen. The cluster tomatoes are starting to colour, and the cherry tomatoes too. I've had 3 so far. A couple of the yellow pear tomatoes too. I'm interested to taste them. There will be more beans for dinner tomorrow. Next weekend I think I'll get a new planting of spinach in. It might still be too hot, but if I keep the soil moist, it should be fine.

There's blight on some of the tomato leaves. Joe has it worse. I've pulled off the affected leaves, and so far the fruit looks fine. Discovered one small pumpkin, I haven't checked for more. Once there are three, I'll pull off the rest of the blossoms to conserve energy.

Monday, July 23, 2007

July 23, 2007

Humidity is increasing, but still bearable. High 70s today, no rain.

The hosta bed and the vegetables are cleaned. We had the first meal of green beans last night. I've moved everything potted to the side of the garage - I have a pot ghetto, but at least it's easy to water everything. I noticed a small pumpkin on one of the plants. They need weeding, in a big way, but the vomit smell turns me right off. Tomatoes are loaded, Sweet Millions are coming on shortly, everything else is still green.

Bought an interesting Korean lilac on Sunday. 1st Season closed for the year, so everything was marked to go. $4 I think, and it'll grow 10' tall. I'm going to go for a tree form - it's already well on its way, all by itself. No evergreens (I'm thinking either arborvitae or some variety of compact spruce) no holly either. Boo.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

July 21, 2007

80º lowish humidity, few bugs, warm lovely sunshine.

I got the veggies weeded, pulled some rhubarb for the freezer, ate the very first cherry tomato of the season, and discovered I have beans ready! Yeah! The onions are doing poorly, they got so over run with weeds they're limp and gangly in the leaves. They're cleaned up and hilled, maybe they'll survive.

Tomorrow promises similar weather. Perhaps I'll get the hosta bed done. Scott cut the grass. The book with his new zero turn mower suggest cutting every 4 days. Right.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

July 17, 2007

67º right now, headed for low 80s again. The humidity is low enough that it's very pleasant to be outside. Except for the damn mosquitoes and deerflies.

There is some chance of rain tonight so I will continue with the weeding. If I can get the hosta bed all done, I'll sprinkle on some fertilizer to get things growing. The things that are SUPPOSED to be there.

Monday, July 16, 2007

July 16, 2007

Another gorgeous day - 83º. The play structure is finished. Grass cut, 1/2 of the Hosta bed weeded and watered thoroughly.

The box up by the mailbox is doing great. Petunias are a pain to deadhead, but they look good. Weeded the cold box and the strawberries. Noticed a few blossoms on some of the everbearing plants, moved the frame back over to keep off the birds.

Roses need pruning and fertilizing, they've stopped blooming.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

July 15, 2007

Gorgeous weather - sunny, 80. Scattered showers.

The weeding remains undone. Tomorrow? Grass needs cutting again. Lots of blossoms in the pumpkins, TONS of tomatoes on the plants. The tomatoes are actually taller than the corn - almost to my shoulder. Baby beans on the original plants, the Blue Lakes are catching up quick. Peas in pots were disappointing, but I don't see any way around it - I love having the garden available for everything.

Bee Balm is blooming. stella d'oros, and that transplanted spirea too. Japanese Beetles have again done a number on the roses. I need to powder and fertilize.

The play structure will be done tomorrow. Pictures on the other blog.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

July 11, 2007

Humid, 90 again today. Has been like this since Sunday. Thunderstorms most evenings, but for us, the rain is intense, but infrequent. A cold front is moving in, clear and 80 tomorrow. Whew!

Blooms in the original beans, the Blue Lake are catching up fast.

Japanese beetles have taken over Joe's raspberries and Anne's Bee Balm. They don't appear to be making it any further down the road, not in any substantial numbers.

The garden is crying for a serious weeding. With the cooler temps, I'll try to get to it this weekend.

The Rainbow play system was delivered Sunday, just in time for the rain. Scott has it partly up, Daniel is trying to be patient. It should alos be done this weekend. I think the front deck might get pushed back another year. Booo :o(

Sunday, July 1, 2007

July 1, 2007

Clear skies, so far. We had some rain last night, everything looks much happier for it. High of only 65?? today, what a difference a week makes.

First casualty in the bird netting. A red squirrel got tangled up trying to escape, it was dead when Scott found it.

Blue Lake beans have not let me down - even late planted, year old, damp package, left in the garage over the winter seeds came up close to 100%. Red leaf lettuce continues strong, Boston is fading, green leaf still has some life. Lots of blossoms on the raspberries. I canhang bird net from the garage gutter but that won't stop the Japanese beetles. I've seen them already in the hanging baskets, with a few on the shrub roses.

Mark's "pink" iris turns out to be purple. An unusual bloom, but not pink. He's offered to trade it out, but I'll keep it.

The spirea seems to be suffering the worst from lack of water. It's been moved so many times I'm sure the roots are tentative about going too deep. I'll start emptying my water bottle on it.