Saturday, May 31, 2008

May 31, 2008

Warmish, rain last night, clear this afternoon. Thunderstorms predicted overnight, clearing tomorrow.

Planted the whole garden - Peaches and Cream Corn, pumpkins (pie and midget), watermelons, cucumbers in the first bed.
-8 tomatoes, 6 sweet peppers, 3 jalapeno. CILANTRO, onions, green beans in the second bed. Scarlet runner beans in the small 3rd bed.

Friday I planted 4 trees - Montmorency cherry, ___ hardy peach, Mac apple, Cortland apple. Keeping an eye open for a sweet cherry (Bing?) and a Gala apple or maybe a 4 in one.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

May 24, 2008

Sunny after rain and wind last night. 70s, breezy.

-8 tomato plants: Better Boy, Keepsake, Sweet 100, Roma Gold, Red Cherry, Cluster, Early Girl, Pink Girl
-6 Sweet Pepper
-3 Jalapeno
Assembled and filled 6x6 box for a runner bean teepee.

I've decided to plant corn with the vining plants. I've never had luck with sweet corn, but what the heck -it was <$2 for the seed.

Todd brought another 1/2 yard of soil. After filling the bean house bed, I'll use the rest for the front garden.

Oh! Scott cut down one of the big awful pear trees behind the house. I'm so happy to see it go, even if it does mean the end of the "ugly" viburnum.

Friday, May 23, 2008

May 23, 2008

Cool, on and off drizzle, mostly cloudy.

-Pumpkins: 1 small ornamental, 1 medium pie/carving
-2 Burpless cucumbers
-2 sugarbaby watermelons
so the first bed is planted. That was quick. ;o)

have 8 tomato starts
4 sweet pepper
4 jalapeno (might only plant 2?)
need carrot seeds, green beans, maybe some onion starts
try to get those in this weekend.

I think I'll get some more 2x6 6 foot lengths and make a 1/2 sized bed to put a bean teepee in.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 21, 2008

The beds are built! Laura brought 2 yards of soil yesterday, 1 1/2 are spread, the other will be done before it rains this evening. Yeah!

1st Season has fruit trees for $21. I'm going this afternoon. Wahoo!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

May 17th, 2008

Sunny and warm, 70ยบ Beautiful day

Scott cleared more brush, Simon got to use the chainsaw. :o) Started throwing dead stuff down the hill. Why not? Velco left all their crap there.

Assembled one raised bed. I need WAY more newspaper. Laura Sturtevant can get me garden soil at cost (and she has a pickup truck!) I think I need 3 yards to get them filled and get started on the front.

Friday, May 16, 2008

May 16, 2008

Scott's cutting the grass. Roses are fertilized, and I've bought the lumber for 2 raised beds.

It's coolish, mid 60s, few clouds. Drizzled much of yesterday, rain is expected again tomorrow.

Peas are up, both snow peas and regular. Salad bed is doing nicely.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

May 11, 2008

Done. The front corner bed is cleaned, the tulip bed is weeded, the daffodil hosta/astilbe bed is done, the peas are in the rest is grassed (coming up nicely.) The front of the house needs some work, but I have to figure out how to build a retaining wall and incorporate the downspout drainage.

I haven't bought the wood for the raised beds yet. Picked up some azaleas (yuck) for $2 each that will work in the property line border. I'm going to dig some saplings out of the hedgerow and woods to add to that line. Maples, oaks if I can find them. Maybe hickory. I wonder what hickory leaves look like? And how to determine sugar maples from others. Homework...

Oh, 1st Season's open!